Monday, January 23, 2012

Hearts and Sleeves - Week Four

Sleeping Beauty was on the right track when she took a nap to find happily ever after. Do the same by trying to get eight hours of sleep a night. If you’re tense right before bedtime sleep will be hard to come by, so wind down by sipping a warm drink (no caffeine) and reading a calming book. Turn your mind to the Lord as you slip in the covers and just rest in His Presence. If you’re not getting enough sleep and you’re drowsy during the day, wake yourself up by having a cold glass of water, doing a simple exercise, or closing your eyes and breathing deeply while listening to one or two relaxing songs. If dark circles are betraying your lack of sleep, splash your face with cold water, put two slices of cucumber or two damp chamomile tea bags on your eyes for a couple of minutes, use a caffeine roller (try Garnier Nutritioiste), apply concealer, use light and shimmery eye shadow to draw attention upwards, and apply some of that shimmer to the inner corners of your eyes. No one will know a thing!

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